
Hey, teacher friend!

TeacherProblems? Let me help! (20% OFF!)

Published 10 days agoย โ€ขย 1 min read


I know, I know... I usually only visit your inbox on Thursdays, but I wanted to make sure you knew I'm offering a RARE sale on all my digital resources for studio music teachers.

Sale Ends In:

Count down to 2024-05-11T16:00:00.000Zโ€‹

As you've come to expect, my number one goal in this community is to help teachers feel supported in the important work we do.

I know we are changing lives within our studio walls. I also know it's difficult to stay inspired when you feel like forces are working against you.

...enter my collection of resources to help you solve your biggest TeacherProblems!

Do you ever find yourself discouraged in the following ways?

TeacherProblem No. 1: Method Fatique

You struggle with questions of whether or not your chosen method series is the "right" one.


You are tired of letting the book dictate the pacing of your instruction, but you don't know how to approach lessons any other way.


You are frustrated with the limitations of method books on the market and think the only solution is to write your own.

Let Me Help: Check out my Starter Guide, Making the Most of Your Chosen Method. โ€‹

TeacherProblem No. 2: Sports Envy

You are discouraged by students who always seem to prioritize SPORTS over LESSONS.


You wonder how to foster a greater sense of COMMITMENT from students (and their parents!)


You are on the lookout for community-building strategies for your studio.

Let Me Help: Check out a special recording of my most popular conference session, The Varsity Musician's Playbook.

TeacherProblem No. 3: Feeling "Stuck"

You are questioning how to stay satisfied in this profession for the long-haul.


You are looking to build/deepen your personal philosophy of teaching


You are looking for big-picture guiding principles to help increase your effectiveness as an educator.

Let Me Help: The Studio Foundations Course will give you plenty to think about!

Thanks for letting me take up a bit more space in your inbox this week!

Don't forget: Code may20 saves 20% off any and all of the above resources!

If you have a moment, HIT REPLY and tell me what YOUR biggest struggle in TeacherWorld is these days. I'd love to help, if I can.


My Summer Consultation bookings are OPEN!

โ€‹Click here to explore options to work one-on-one with me.


Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays?

โ€‹Find the Archives Here.โ€‹

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hey, teacher friend!

Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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