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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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...On the Importance of Seeing Both Sides (One Thought Thursday 048)

"Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either." Aesop Five-finger hand positions No-makeup policies Fixed Do solfege Charging "per lesson" Requiring memorization What do all of these things have in common? They are common "battleground topics" for piano teachers. 😉 Meaning, a lot of us have STRONG opinions on these matters. ...and, while having convictions is generally a good (and necessary) thing, we do not want those beliefs to come from a...

4 days ago • 5 min read

ONE LAST (quick!) Reminder... My 20% off teacher resources sale ends in less than an hour! Use code may20 to save 20% off any of the resources linked here. Sale Ends In: If you've ever wanted to attend a teaching conference but found yourself limited by time or financial restraints, I hope you'll consider checking out these resources. Working through these materials on your own time (no airfare required!) is a definite bonus. Plus, you're guaranteed the same feeling of camaraderie you've come...

9 days ago • 1 min read

HAPPY FRIDAY, TEACHER FRIENDS! 🥂 I know, I know... I usually only visit your inbox on Thursdays, but I wanted to make sure you knew I'm offering a RARE sale on all my digital resources for studio music teachers. Sale Ends In: As you've come to expect, my number one goal in this community is to help teachers feel supported in the important work we do. I know we are changing lives within our studio walls. I also know it's difficult to stay inspired when you feel like forces are working against...

10 days ago • 1 min read
A year of (too?) many firsts for me...

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard My sentimental self is having all the end-of-school-year feelings, and I'm starting to understand why I feel as though I've been crawling for the finish line. Friends, it's been a year. As I was recording Episode 167 this week, it dawned on me how many "firsts" I've had during the 2023-2024 academic year. It took me almost 29 years, but here are a few noteworthy initiations I've had this year (from silly...

10 days ago • 4 min read

In Episode 166 this week, I asked the question: How do YOU want people to respond when you tell them about one of your favorite things? For me, I can't stop thinking about how people react when they find out I have a podcast. This is a body of work I am proud of, and I'm confident it's impacting the profession I love so much. Needless to say, I'm a bit enthusiastic about it (on the inside, anyway). Truth be told, most of the people in my everyday circles struggle to understand what a podcast...

18 days ago • 4 min read

Let's be honest. Waiting is hard. ...and not knowing HOW LONG you'll be waiting is the worst part. Right? We never know how long it's going to take our students to master the new concept, learn their next piece, or (for those of you who are into it) pick their weekly sticker. Titanic humor in honor of Episode 165, where I shared my fated high-school arrangement of My Heart Will Go On. Don't miss it. 😊 But seriously - Wouldn't situations be a million times easier if you KNEW how long you...

25 days ago • 3 min read
044: What If You're NOT, Actually, Behind?

What if you're exactly where you should be? As musicians, our brains are wired for improvement. Our lives revolve around the notion of doing better, being better, and helping others do the same. (#teacherproblems) We are conditioned to scrutinize progress made through 30/45/60-minute lessons lessons, 7-day practice weeks, and annual performance events. ...and that's just in our WORK. Have you ever stopped to think HOW MUCH of our lives are devoted to the art of "getting better"? It's...

about 1 month ago • 3 min read

"All my bills say OUTSTANDING. I guess that means I'm doing great!" unknown (I thought we could all use a chuckle since it's tax season; AKA the only time of year I ever question my choice of profession). Seriously though, after spending a few weeks putting pen-to-paper for Episode 163, I can't help but reflect on the bills I pay with pure joy. ...there aren't many of them, but there are a few... I mentioned at the close of this week's podcast that my daughter's violin tuition is the easiest...

about 1 month ago • 3 min read

“Humility is the first step towards learning. You can’t learn until you are humble enough to realize there is something for you to learn.” ― Robert Kiyosaki This week on the podcast, I made note of the fact that I count humility as a core value in the work I do (and my approach to life). Apparently, the universe decided it was a good week to put that to the test. 😇 Allow me to give you an overview of my week in three acts: Act I: Festival Success My students had their local festival last...

about 2 months ago • 5 min read

This Post Has Been EVERYWHERE This Week: On Tuesday, Highland Park Elementary School (in Derby, NY) shared this post that has absolutely dominated my social media feeds. If you haven't seen it, the headline reads, "YOU CAN DO BOTH!" and it features student athletes (etc) with their musical instruments. The message? You don't have to choose. You can play an instrument AND play a sport. Of course, StudioTeacherWorld loves this kind of messaging. How many of our hearts have been broken over...

2 months ago • 2 min read
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