Group Class Scheduling Woes (One Thought Thursday No. 57)


Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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What I'm pondering today:

Part 2 (of 3) of my quarterly(ish) list of What is NOT Working In this Season.

If you're new around here, there are two reflection questions I ask myself on a regular basis: What is working in this season (which I talked about on Episode 186), and the opposite: what is NOT working.

To recap:

I've identified three things that are NOT working for me in this season of my life:

  • Overhauling My Students' Binders
  • Scheduling Group Classes
  • Online Sales Culture

I tackled my grievances over an over-ambitious vision for student binders last week.'

Next up: Group Class Scheduling

This is my third year offering group classes. The last two years, I've had a blissful arrangement of two private lessons each evening plus one group. Only teaching two hours a night felt like SUCH a luxury.

(I also have a lot of daytime students, so don't think I'm getting off TOO easily...)

This year, the way schedules worked out, I really only had one group whose schedules allowed them to meet together. I couldn't mesh together any other group classes that felt like a good fit in my mind.

Admittedly, I'm quite particular about which students would benefit from which format, and I'm not willing to compromise by grouping less-than-ideal students together.

SO: this fall, I'm only teaching one weekly group class. Everyone else is in private lessons.

At first, this irked me. After all, we made the investment in digital pianos specifically to reduce my teaching time.

...and, I have a room full of pianos. What aren't I using them more?

However - this also allowed me to experiment with a slightly modified calendar, which I'm excited about:

I have three weeks designated for group performance classes this semester (and four next semester).

These are weeks where my private students will gather in groups to perform for one another and work on skills that are more effectively taught in groups - in lieu of their private lessons.

During those weeks, my four group piano students will take private lessons.

I'm really looking forward to the flip-flopped roles here, because it's nice knowing I'll get some solid 1-1 time with the group students this semester.

And - without my four digitals - I wouldn't be able to offer my private students so many regular opportunities to play in ensemble together.

I *do* consider that to be a very high-value offering.

So...while Group Class Scheduling has landed on my list of what's NOT working, I'm actually pretty content with how it all shook out.

After all: Each year in your studio is a season unto itself!

Perhaps I'll be able to capitalize more on my investment with groups next year. For now, things are working out just fine.

The takeaways for you:

There are many approaches to group teaching. Each can hold value; it just depends on what experience you wish to provide.

Sometimes group piano is presented as all-or-nothing. There are countless voices out there who want you to MAXIMIZE your time and income above everything else.

For me, "optimization" can quickly turn into a trap for discontentment.

Remember: It's okay to "leave money on the table". It's okay to teach the way you want to teach. It's okay to think outside the box.

Your responsibility is to find a way to pay your bills while cultivating the legacy you want to leave.

There are a lot of voices out there who are trying to tell you exactly what to do and how to do it.

I'm tackling some personal struggles with online sales culture in next week's e-letter, so stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, consider this message a big ole' CAUTION FLAG to live your own life - and run your own business - the way it feels most genuine to you.

Your responsibility is to yourself, your family, and your clients. As long as those people are happy, it does not matter how your studio compares to another.

🥂 Cheers to re-evaluating our offerings often, knowing our studios will - and should! - look different season to season. 🥂

Do your studio offerings look different this year than they did last? HIT REPLY and tell me how it's going for you!

I read every response, even though I might be slow at replying.

More Ways I Can Help You:

This Week on the Podcast:

This week's episode is focused on Fostering REAL Parental Investment in lessons. As you know, students need much more than financial investments from their parents, and I have a few suggestions as to how you can help nurture that attention.

Favorite Things

Speaking of parents... my studio parents LOVE seeing these "special report" stickies come home. There's something about the extra enthusiasm built-into these notes we all just love.

Must-Teach Music

Tomorrow's meet-up of Teachers Teaching Teachers is focusing on THIS gem of the piano repertoire.

Angelfish by Anne Crosby Gaudet is a go-to piano solo for many, often taught by rote.

I'm also highlighting a few other pieces by Anne that I love just as much on Friday.

...oh, and did I mention, THE COMPOSER HERSELF IS JOINING US? What a treat!

I can't wait to explore this with my Patreon Community friends. What a treasure trove of ideas.

Teachers Teaching Teachers

$6 buys your entry to the highlight of my month: our gathering of good-hearted, community-loving teachers.

We'll meet at 11am (eastern time) and spend roughly 20-30 minutes troubleshooting one another's stressors, then move into a time of repertoire study.

We'll be talking all things Angelfish this month; including how to teach it by reading OR by rote.

As mentioned above, we will be joined by the fabulous Anne Crosby Gaudet and I just can't wait.

As always, your membership includes access to all TTT replays, including tomorrow's.

Free Stuff!

In case you didn't know, there are a wide variety of free downloads on my website.

Don't forget to HIT REPLY and tell me how your studio offerings look different this year! 🥂

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*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

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Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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