
Hey, teacher friend!

...on Growing Up with Our Students... (One Thought Thursday 038)

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

"When you're a kid, you don't realize you're also watching your mom and dad grow up." unknown

I occasionally scroll by this quote online and it hits me every time.

In my "parent life", every now and then I catch myself wondering when the REAL adult is going to show up.

This feeling tends to wallop me when I'm signing permission slips or taking care of sick children.

When did *I* become the grown-up?

Part of the wisdom that comes with adulthood is realizing everyone is figuring out life as it happens. Parenthood offers no exception.

...and neither does teaching.

As I talked about on the podcast this week, I've grown a lot in my 28+ years of Teacher Life.

Did my students have any idea they were watching me "grow up" as a teacher?

I doubt it.

I distinctly recall Teacher Moments of saying, "I will NEVER do ___" and "I will ALWAYS do ____".

(You can probably imagine how that turned out)🤣

Absolutes are rarely (if ever) a good idea in teaching.

It is difficult to let go of the beliefs and systems you've operated under - but be encouraged: Your Teacher Status is not in jeopardy if you change your approach to rhythm, the materials you use, the role of practice, or.... ?

And if your students "catch" you changing your mind? Wonderful! What an opportunity to model this experiment we call education.

Growth is (hopefully) all around us. My question today is, where do we miss it?

Who is "growing up" in your life, unbeknownst to the world around them?

It might be a good idea to let them know you notice positive changes. After all, humans long to be understood.

In what areas are YOU "Growing Up"? Hit that REPLY button and tell me! As always, I love hearing from you. Don't be shy!

🥂Cheers to noticing growth around us, even in the least-expected of places. 🥂

Other Ways I Can Help You:

This Week on the Podcast

Episode 158 focuses on one area of growth I would *love* to go back and explain to my early-20's Teacher Self. It's a lesson that might have scored me $3000. 😅

From the Archives

If you're looking for a way to shake-up the Status Quo in your lesson format, check out Episode 110: Cheers to "Replay" Strategies. It's a good one.

Patreon Community

If you find $3 or $6 worth of value in the work I provide, please consider joining the Patreon Community.

As pure bonus, my group over there is a collective of THE BEST-HEARTED teachers around.

If you want to be an artist who supports other artists, while connecting with teachers who are sincere in their efforts to be their very best Teacher Selves, this is the move for you.

Can't-Live-Without Repertoire

If you've never taught this Copycat duet by Carol Matz, you are missing out! This is an all-time favorite and so. much. fun.

A Favorite Thing

I took myself off the Sticker Train years ago. Not ready to quit cold turkey? Stamps to the rescue!

Free Stuff!

Find my collection of free downloads here. I am confident there's something there for everyone.

Making the Most of Your Chosen Method

If you ever struggle with questions of "is my method the problem?" or, "is it me?"

I have good news for you.

Check out this resource, which helps reframe the true role of a method series in your teaching. It also provides you with an essential exercise to make sure YOU are the true leader of your instruction.

NOW: Hit that REPLY button and tell me how YOU are "growing up" these days. 🥂

Want to check out PAST One Thought Thursdays?

Find the Archives Here.

*This email may contain affiliate links. That's just smart business, but please know all recommendations are purely my own, and are absent of any icky ulterior sales motives.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hey, teacher friend!

Christina Whitlock, Beyond Measure Podcast

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